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Donegal Fergus

Team Member: Coaches Vs. COVID




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Zoom Hitting Development Webinar by Donegal Fergus

Welcome to my personal fundraising page for COACHES VS COVID!

My name is Donegal Fergus and I am currently the Minor League Hitting Coordinator for the Minnesota Twins. In support of Coaches vs. COVID, this Wednesday, April 8th, I will be hosting a free Zoom Hitting Development webinar for any coaches interested in learning about current hitting trends and practices. If interst is there, we may add a weekly webinar to the lineup. These conferences are designed to be interactive in nature using a Q&A format. This professional development opportunity is free but designed to raise funds in support of the important COVID-19 research being done at the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA.

The Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center and its partner, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, are both organizations that are very personal to me. In 2018, In addition to Cancer Research, the Fred Hutch is currently leading ground breaking COVID-19 prevention and treatment research involving tracking, testing, vaccine design, and future oubreak prevention initiatives.

Please join this WEDNESDAY, April 8th to do our part!

Please DONATE, share and consider joining our COACHES VS. COVID team to assit with our support efforts. Our recommended donation is $5-25 per webinar.

Thanks everyone for their support!
